Nima Jora
Founder, River guide
Here in Leh and can't find splash ? Just ask for 'Nima Dai' because he's so well connected and half the town knows him. You must be thinking he's a gangster but absolutely not. It's his hospitality and good quality business that's gained him reputation all around town. And of course his first decents and achievements in the river contribute to his popularity. Meet Nima Dai and you won't regret getting to know this epic personality.
Contact email : nimajora@gmail.com

Sonam Gyatso
Kayaking and river rafting professional
The busiest guy amongst the lot. You can spot gyatso running around sangam managing the entire operation. There's never a time when gyatso doesn't have work in hand, but in between all of that he will somehow find time to talk to you and sort out your concerns. A friendly guy with an awesome attitude and a passionate paddler too.
Contact email : gyatsobago@hotmail.com

Stanzin Tanfan
Kayaking and river rafting professional
Another friendly guy with a good sense of humor. His experience is a crucial requirement in the river. Client's really enjoy the trip when he is guiding the raft. There's definitely a lot to learn from him.
Contact email : nima@gmail.com

Nabin Sunuwar
Kayaking and river rafting professional
The quiet and chilled out paddler who does his job diligently. Does multiple trips a day but you can never see fatigue on his face. A hard working guy who will ensure that every client he is handling has a great time. A great guy to be alongside in the river.
Contact email : nabinsunwar77@gmail.com

Pawan Thapliyal
Kayaking and river rafting professional
Paddler from rishikesh. A sweet guy who will help you out with what ever you need. Very calm and composed on the river. You will definitely enjoy his presence while he shows you some tricks in his Kayak.
Contact email : pavanthapliyal91@gmail.com

Govind Adhikari
Kayaking and river rafting professional
Paddler from Nepal who will definitely keep you entertained. A very funny personality who will definitely keep you laughing! He is popular for his Nepali-English accent while giving instructions on the river. Coming from Nepal, the land of adventure he knows a lot about safety in the river and will ensure you have a great time and a safe journey.
Contact email : govindkayaknepal@mail.com

Sanu Babu Gurung
Kayaking and river rafting professional
Sonu comes from a family where kayaking and rafting is in the genes. They have been doing this for ages and it is evident from sonu's paddling skills that it is in his blood to be in the river.
Contact email : xy-grg011@hotmail.co.uk

Tsering Sangdup
Kayaking and river rafting professional
The youngest guy in the group who adds charm to this team. Always laughing or making fun of someone. This extremely talented sportsman is a must to have around on a river trip. The team feels incomplete without him.
Contact email : pudmasrocks@gmail.com

Tsering Sangrup
Kayaking and river rafting professional
One of the most experienced Kayakers in the group. If you are beginner everyone is going to advise you to learn from this guy because he's a great teacher too. Everyone on the team has a lot of respect for this guy. His skill on the river is something to be jealous of because he's so awesome.
Contact email : tseringkayak@gmail.com

Santosh Karki
Kayaking and river rafting professional
Another Nepali kayaker who is absolute fun to be with. He is also an awesome guitar player. You will get to know him in no time and start singing along with him. He's guarenteed to make you laugh. One valuable friend to have on the river and outside.
Contact email : karkis_99@yahoo.com

Sanju Negi
Kayaking and river rafting professional
Another great paddler from the land of awesome paddlers - Uttarkhand. This guy will be on his toes to keep you safe on the river. Always attentive, hard working, really experienced and very friendly . We're extremely happy to have this guy on the team.
Contact email : sandeepnegi137@gmail.com